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8 Products found


Company Formation Foundation Society

Sold by:Business Strategy Bangladesh

New Company Formation, Foundation, Society Registration, ISO Certification, Import Registration.

BDT 0-25000

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Tax VAT Trade License Trade Mark

Sold by:Business Strategy Bangladesh

Tax, VAT, Trade License, Trade Mark.

BDT 0-5000

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Income Tax VAT Customs Training

Sold by:Business Strategy Bangladesh

Training Courses on Income Tax, Value Added Tax, Customs.

BDT 0-10000

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Project Profile Projection Bank Loan Processing

Sold by:Business Strategy Bangladesh

Project Profile, Proposal, Projection, Bank Loan Processing.

BDT 0-30000

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IRC ERC and Membership

Sold by:Business Strategy Bangladesh

Import Registration Certificate, Export Registration Certificate and Membership Certificate.

BDT 0-30000

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Drugs License and BSTI Enlistment

Sold by:Business Strategy Bangladesh

Drugs License from Drug Authority and BSTI Enlistment.

BDT 0-15000

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BIDA Approval and Fire License

Sold by:Business Strategy Bangladesh

Bangladesh Investment Development Authority Approval and Fire Authority Licensing.

BDT 0-15000

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