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Welcome to Nagbak !

25 Products found


Glass Ionomer Filling

BDT 0-4000

Tooth Consultation Fee

BDT 0-1000

Tooth Ultrasonic Scaling

BDT 0-4000

Tooth Polishing

BDT 0-5000

Tooth Polishing

BDT 0-5000

Tooth Whitening

BDT 0-8000

Tooth Whitening

BDT 0-8000


BDT 0-5000


BDT 0-5000

Dental Implant

BDT 0-40000

Dental Implant

BDT 0-40000

Amalgam Filling

BDT 0-3000

Amalgam Filling

BDT 0-3000

Light Cure Filling

BDT 0-5000

Light Cure Filling

BDT 0-5000

Root Canal Posterior

BDT 0-10000

Root Canal Anterior

BDT 0-8000

Pulp Capping

BDT 0-4000

Pulp Capping

BDT 0-4000

Extraction Milk Tooth

BDT 0-1000

Extraction Permanent Tooth

BDT 0-3000

Artificial Tooth

BDT 0-5000

Artificial Tooth

BDT 0-5000

Apicectomy Under LA

BDT 0-20000

Apicectomy Under LA

BDT 0-20000

Metallic Crown

BDT 0-8000

Metallic Crown

BDT 0-8000

Curettage-PD Peri Coronal

BDT 0-2000


BDT 0-5000


BDT 0-5000

EMAX Crown

BDT 0-26000

EMAX Crown

BDT 0-26000

Zirconia Crown

BDT 0-15000

Zirconia Crown

BDT 0-15000

Porcelain Crown

BDT 0-8000

Porcelain Crown

BDT 0-8000

Abscess Drainage

BDT 0-5000

Abscess Drainage

BDT 0-5000

Glass Ionomer Filling

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Glass Ionomer Filling.

BDT 0-4000

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Tooth Consultation Fee

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Tooth Consultation Fee.

BDT 0-1000

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Tooth Ultrasonic Scaling

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Tooth Ultrasonic Scaling.

BDT 0-4000

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Tooth Polishing

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Tooth Polishing.

BDT 0-5000

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Tooth Whitening

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Tooth Whitening.

BDT 0-8000

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Sold by:Avenue Dental Care


BDT 0-5000

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Dental Implant

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Dental Implant.

BDT 0-40000

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Amalgam Filling

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Amalgam Filling.

BDT 0-3000

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Light Cure Filling

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Light Cure Filling.

BDT 0-5000

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Root Canal Posterior

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Root Canal Posterior.

BDT 0-10000

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Root Canal Anterior

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Root Canal Anterior.

BDT 0-8000

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Pulp Capping

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Pulp Capping.

BDT 0-4000

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Extraction Milk Tooth

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Extraction Milk Tooth.

BDT 0-1000

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Extraction Permanent Tooth

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Extraction Permanent Tooth.

BDT 0-3000

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Extraction Wisdom Complicated Tooth

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Extraction Wisdom Complicated Tooth.

BDT 0-5000

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Artificial Tooth

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Artificial Tooth.

BDT 0-5000

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Apicectomy Under LA

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Apicectomy Under LA.

BDT 0-20000

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Metallic Crown

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Metallic Crown.

BDT 0-8000

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Curettage-PD Peri Coronal

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Curettage-PD Peri Coronal.

BDT 0-2000

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Sold by:Avenue Dental Care


BDT 0-5000

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EMAX Crown

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

EMAX Crown.

BDT 0-26000

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Zirconia Crown

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Zirconia Crown.

BDT 0-15000

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Porcelain Crown

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Porcelain Crown.

BDT 0-8000

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Abscess Drainage

Sold by:Avenue Dental Care

Abscess Drainage.

BDT 0-5000

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