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Sold By: Hearing Plus Dhaka
Starkey Muse 1000 10 Channel Hearing Aid, 5 manual programs, water resistant, directionality technology, bandwidth 2cc 9.4KHz, data logging, music optimization, noise control, frequency lowering, tinnitus Masker.
Starkey Muse 1000 BTE/CIC hearing aid machine has 10 compression channels, 5 manual programs, water resistant IP57 or IP67, directionality technology, bandwidth 2cc 9.4KHz, data logging, music optimization, noise control, frequency lowering, tinnitus Masker, Country of origin Mexico, manufactured by the USA.
Parts Guaranty International 2 Year. Physical damage and Water Damage Not Allowed .
Synergy Platform, Enhanced B/w upto 10 KHz, Acuity OS, Acuity Speech Optimization, Premium Acuity Voice, Premium Acuity Icescape Analyzer, Acuity Directional with Speech ID, Music Adaptation and Music memory ,Whistle free feedback cancellation, Speech shift, Auto experience manager, MPO boost, Multiplex tinnitus with 13 bands (All style),Tonal and voice indicator, Automatic telephone response, Up to 5 memories, Surface Nana Shield(Ip57),Snap Fit Smart Receiver,(Only RIC), In situ Audiometery, Data Log, Speech Mapping,T2 Remote.
Exclusive Distriutor of Hearing Aids (Brand Starkey).