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In the eyes of the Quran and Hadith
This book will enable the readers to get a fair idea about the virtues of Shabe Barat and Shabe Qadr and the Shariah method of performing these two nights.
In the eyes of the Quran and Hadith
This book will enable the readers to get a fair idea about the virtues of Shabe Barat and Shabe Qadr and the Shariah method of performing these two nights.
Insha Allah.
Above all, it should be kept in mind that if Shabe Barat and Shabe Qadr are two hands, then Allah Ta'ala's mercy and very special gift for the Ummah Mohammadi, so that it is only a supererogatory act of worship.
Therefore, since it has a place after fard and wajib, it is in addition to the main worship. As a result, if the obligation and wajib are not fulfilled, the value of this extra period does not have much value or additional thawab is not available.
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