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CWM-303 Touch Screen Anesthesia Machine


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Sold By: Zarjina Technology

Anesthesia machine CWM-303, 15″ LCD touch screen, Ethernet for data transferring or network connecting. Self compensation for in high elevation areas, Pressure & flow trigger.


Categories:Medical Electronics


BDT 1450000


Anesthesia machine CWM-303, 15″ LCD touch screen, Ethernet for data transferring or network connecting. Self compensation for in high elevation areas, Pressure & flow trigger.


15″ LCD touch screen.

Electronic flowmeter 0.1-15L/min for O2, N2O, and Air separately.

Electronic gas mixing. VCV,A/C OR SIPPV, SIMV-V, SIMV-P, PCV, PSV, MANUAL, STAND-BY modes.

Adjustable accurate tidal volume 10-1500ml for Adult & Pediatric & Neonatal. Monitoring types VT, MV, Paw, Lung compliance, Inspiratory platform, I:E, FiO2,EtCO2,etc.

Waveforms of P-T,F-T,V-T, Loops of P-V, F-V,F-P(Zoom in/out, comparison, freeze).PEEP (OFF, 3-30cmH2O).Internal double sensors +circle heating system free from maintenance.
2 Yoke systems.

USB, VGA, Ethernet for data transferring or network connecting.


Zarjina Technology

Our journey started in the month of January, 2020. With a small shop In BMA Bhaban, Tokhana Road, Dhaka. Now we are supplying all kinds of medical, surgical and hospital equipments in 500+ govt. and non-govt. organizations. On the other hand our product quality, price and delivery system make a trust to the customers in a very short time. Although we are still in our babyhood, we strive to act like a grown-up.

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