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Beheshti Jeor is an Islamic famous book written by Scholar Ashraf Ali Thanovi. Translated to Bangla Beheshti Jeor by Sayed Shamsul Haque Faridpuri.
Beheshti Jeor is an Islamic famous book written by Scholar Ashraf Ali Thanovi. Translated to Bangla Beheshti Jeor by Sayed Shamsul Haque Faridpuri. Beheshti Jeor Bangla is an application developed so that people in this platform can read the Beheshti Jeor Islamic book in Bengali. Bangla Beheshti Jeor app can be helpful to many Bengali users of Ashraf Ali Thanvi Islamic books and other mas'ala books and Fiqh Books. This book is one of the famous Ashraf Ali Thanvi Islamic mas'ala books and there is a great user base of this Islamic Mas'ala book.
Famous Publisher and Wholesaler of Islamic books.