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Bed Bug Control Services


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Sold By: Clean and Service

Our pest control service is on a mission to make sure that you won’t have to deal with bed bugs in your own house, bed bugs are not only bad for health it can be very uncomfortable to live on a daily basis.




BDT 1800


Our pest control service is on a mission to make sure that you won’t have to deal with bed bugs in your own house, bed bugs are not only bad for health it can be very uncomfortable to live on a daily basis. Book us an appointment, and our personnel will be with you on this immediately.


Clean and Service

The cleaning service is one of the renowned cleaning platforms of Bangladesh. Since 2013 we have served over 22,000 people in Dhaka. We are a group of verified professional cleaners and our service range from apartment deep cleaning services to carpet and furniture cleaning. Our vision is to hire the best servicemen to offer our customers the greatest help. Furthermore, we give interior, exterior services that include water tank cleaning and pest control services as well.

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