Welcome to Nagbak !

Welcome to Nagbak !

Company Overview

Eastern Cables Limited strictly follows the standard specifications in the manufacturing process of the products. Licensing from Germany's renowned Kable-Werke-Reinshagen guarantees the highest quality. It is with great pride that the rich results of Kable-Werke-Reinshagen's century of research and development are shared with Eastern Cables. Since its inception, state-of-the-art manufacturing plant and sophisticated laboratory equipments have been liberally procured to manufacture quality cables and conductors conforming to international norms. Its quality control laboratory and state-of-the-art PVC compounding plant ensure that the structural, chemical and electrical properties of the product meet specifications. Our research and development team's constant efforts focus and knowledge only on product manufacturing strategy formulation.

Year Established

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Head Office

Sena Kallan Commercial Complex, Shop-180,181, Ground Floor, 9/F, Tongi, Gazipur-1230.

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