Welcome to Nagbak !

Welcome to Nagbak !

Company Overview

In present global context private security company and security personnel are the preliminary essentials of elementary level of social security. In several instances these companies are contributing to successful enactment against any types of threat that may cause collateral damages. NEST being a private security company of new age band believes any aggression as an unorthodox and illegitimate means of asserting or achieving certain goals. Our endeavor is always to stand high besides our valued clients to protect and prevent them from any kinds of hazard they may or may not expected.

Year Established

Contact Us For Any Query

Contact Directly

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Head Office

House # 05, Road # 4/5, Avenue # 1, Block # B, Section #12, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216.

Any Query

Email Us:nestbd.care@gmail.com


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