Welcome to Nagbak !

Welcome to Nagbak !

Company Overview

BP Engineering Co is a leading company in the field of power and electromechanical products. For the last few years, we are providing top class customer service for Generators, Lifts, and Sub-Station and solar. We are offering the products of world-renowned company. As we are representative of many of those world-famous company, we are being able to provide the most competitive price. Our objective is to support you and add value to your activities, by offering a comprehensive range of top-quality Generators, Lifts, Sub-Station and solar etc. We also provide you top class service and engineering support. With this approach we can provide you the most appropriate technical solution to every problem.

Year Established

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Head Office

Khan Mansion, 32/2, Sahid Faruk Road, Jatrabari, Dhaka.

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