Welcome to Nagbak !

Welcome to Nagbak !

Company Overview

Sakura Power Limited is a reputable and trusted Power Products Company name in Bangladesh. The company has started its activities in 2005 and became a limited company in 2011. Since its inception, the company has been working on quality products. Its main goal was to achieve the reliance & trust of the people by providing the highest level of service. For this, we never compromise with quality. All Sakura brand products are imported from the renowned factory that has quality standards and they do a number of tests of their products before delivery to be able to guarantee their product's perfect functioning. Apart from providing the proven power supply, we are also discreet about a delivery, installation, and after-sales Service. Sakura is working with power production. Our products have designed power alternate items that bestow dynamic uninterrupted power during an emergency.

Year Established

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Head Office

House-7 (5th Floor), Road-7, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212.

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